Sunday, September 22, 2019

A Fungal Infection, Or Poison Ivy...?

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A Fungal Infection, Or Poison Ivy...?

Real Reflections by Minda Peyton

I first contacted what look'da lai-ca a fungal infection, a discolor'da, itchy flat circle,  a ring of bumps, near my graduation from a university. Yes, our university had a large olympic pool, yes I then had access to Clorox Bleach, only then I did not use the pool nor the bleach. Towards the end of my studies I became active. I exercised a lot, sweated a lot and drank a lot of bottle'da water.

My continual activity kept me in good shape without acne problems. The fungal infection seem'da easy to 'get rid' of holistically, meaning naturally, yet from what I read and heard, people advise'da me tu use cloves of garlic, then take garlic pills. 
I'm not sure where people were coming from. I had a active life, I drank a lot of clean water and I stay'da social with my friends while I had a boyfriend...well I had more a senior 'male-friend' who looked lai-ca a older, popular Actor. I mention *Dan [name changed] because looking back, I recall how Dan, my 'male-friend' had taken me tu a lake with his family and friends, a group of people who were definitely on his side. We visited the lake after my friends, in particular one popular male, got closer to me, from that point, strange events occur'da.

Honestly, in college I was not a Christian, nor a Buddhist practitioner. I had a belief: Atheist, and other non-believers in a supreme deity could practice ethics that are humane. This core belief was lai-ca my Wiccan Rede, lai-ca my Law of Judah, BELIEVING IN HUMANITY was short, simple, yet effective. Unfortunately, I had zero sense of guidance when dating, or when relationships were the primary focus. Relationships?

Some people will find my relationships shocking, yet before I discovered the sanity of "soul mates," I follow'da my heart, mind and body. Although my male friend show'da no sign of jealousy, a strange fungal growth attach'da itself tu my leg after I [and Dan's friends] waded into the un-filtered lake water. Later, that same day, we enjoy'da thick, juicy hamburgers.

Although I was a cheese and egg eating Vegetarian, on that day, encouraged by Dan's friends, I ate and enjoy'da thick, juicy hamburgers. Soon after, I notice'da a fungal infection. I was advise'da tu eat cloves of garlic... garlic? Garlic. The pale, small and smelly relative of the onion. Because I trusted Dan, I took the advice of Dan's friends and I ate smelly garlic.

THE INFECTION GREW. At one point the giant fungal infection was a embarrassment. I was a bit of a health advisor, yet I didn't know how tu get rid of a fungal infection. My treatments were ineffective. Because it grew, people told me tu go tu a doctor tu get tested. I did. A female dress'da as a health advisor took blood work test and ask'da me if I had AIDS. AIDS?

Although I had flirted close, dangerously close, with two people, I did not believe I had contacted the AIDS virus from either of the two people. This odd discussion about AIDS brought up my sexual relationship with two people. My 'male-friend' I knew for years. I was sure I did not contact the AIDS virus from him. My new "friend" was tall, athletic and smart. I had told Dan we would continue as friends, although I started a (short) sexual relationship with my new friend.  Because I was athletic, I did sweat a lot. I think my salty sweat helped keep me healthy, yet un-lai-ca other athletes, I had not learn'da the advantage of keeping my socks white and clean using bleach. Bleach is a great cleaner.

Although I was committed tu my relationship with Dan, staying in a closed relationship with him for years disease free, when I told him we were common law married, and he told me he had married his first wife, the mother of his son, a woman I thought was decease'da, I believe'da I could seek out another "marriageable" mate. I believed I was confuse'da. Dan was not interested in marriage, our relationship did not develop formal commitments. I next stop'da believing we were common law married. Another person of great attraction was attracting me. I was aware that I was choosing tu not practice abstainance, meaning abstaining from sexual activity. I was choosing tu break from a healthy, closed, consenting partnership after my offer of marriage was rejected.

My new athletic friend took me tu the beach. A lot happen'da, yet my fungal infection went away after hours of soaking in the salty sea, near golden sands, coasting on warm salt water waves.
I literally thought I was on our honeymoon. A lot change'da after our visit tu the ocean.

I was homeless for a little over 1 year without any fungal infections.

The athlete, my "new friend" said "yes" when I ask'da him if he would marry me, yet, although internally I believe'da we were / had join'da in a life-changing union, we did not sign a legal document. We did not formally register our union. It seem'da lai-ca a "secret marriage." Tragic events occur'da, and I lost contact with him, I could not find him. Without formally registering, I had little tu offer the Police Officers if I had wanted tu file a police report in case he was hurt. I did not know several legal details a newly married wife should know, yet our union haunted me for years. There were a lot of missing pieces. I myself was consider'da missing. Many life-altering events had occur'da.

For a while I was free from fungal infections. I had other problems, I even had hospital bills.

The infection return'da while I live'da with my mother. I was not sexually active, I was writing my novel, a part romantic, part Gothic story. The infection did not look lai-ca a fungal infection, or a ringworm, yet it was circular and oddly color'da and it did itch a lot. How I got a effective prescription for this infection is a long, sorry re-telling involving Police Officers and vaguely ethical Nurses. I remember getting tu a good doctor was lai-ca finding a needle in a haystack. 

I went through a lot...ointments, freeze-spray, 'wart away' canisters... more ointments from the FREE CLINIC. These products were largely uneffective. A few products did keep the infection dry and largely itch free. The best product for staying dry and less itchy was a anti-fungal foot powder. I use'da a lot of this power tu stay less itchy, yet it did not kill the infection, it really just made it bearable. 

Through a series of mis-fortune, I was finally lucky and could get a effective prescription from a good doctor. I had move'da from my mother's house, and was using the prescription for a anti-fungal cream. Over time the fungal infection went away.

I believe'da the fungal 'problem' return'da with my new fiancé, a young athletic male who was confuse'da about marriage. I was not married, yet had been close. I accepted the young athletic male's offer tu marry cautiously, I was older. Because he cheated and open'da our 'un-official marriage,' believing in a "open'da marriage," I didn't try tu stay together. His ideas about marriage had more tu do with having children and giving them their names, as well as one day providing for them (his children). This was a better approach. When we did not conceive, when I was not pregnant, our marriage attempts had failed and we stopped. Due to problems in our neighborhood, I return'da tu my mother's house where my infection flare'da up! I believe I had a SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASE,  a S.T.D and could DIE!

I spray'da bleach on the infection, avoided showers, and continually change'da my clothing, washing my clothes with Tide and with bleach. After close tu 3 years, the infection was almost clear'da. 

I went through a few more problems. I was jail'da in another county, then sexually violated. I was unsure if I would live or die. I was drop'da off at my mother's house, and again the infection flair'da up...warts, a rash, a warty rash, dis-color'da itchy skin, and blisters... I  believe I was advise'da tu use a lot of soap, vinegar, alcohol and Calamine Lotion.

How To Break-up Oil 

To break-up oil, and clean your skin after contact with a poison ivy plant, use dish detergent, and later vinegar. Vinegar is excellent at breaking up oils. Alcohol is also a excellent cleansing agent and also excellent at breaking up oil.

I was advise'da tu use Calamine Lotion tu dry the infection and prevent itching.
Although poison ivy is painful, my itch went away when I clean'da the infected area with detergent, next with alcohol and vinegar.

I don't recommend using bleach mix'da with vinegar because 1 is a base (bitter when tasted), and the other is a acid (acidic and sharp when tasted). Mixing will probably neutralize the effectiveness of both cleaners.

Calamine Lotion contains the mineral zinc. A few anti-fungal foot powders also contain zinc. Both were helpful in stopping the itch!  

In front of Ma's house are flowers from a rose bush, also known as "tea roses." I have seen, due to neglect, poison ivy grow from the rose bush onto our front porch. I believe people have walk'da on the poison ivy plant, dragging some substance from outside onto our carpet. I recommend Febreeze, a fabric cleaner, yet because of my budget, I often spray bleach on the carpet as a cleaner. Bleach is great at preventing mold and good at stopping germs, yet bleach is not great at treating poison ivy. Use bleach only if you do not have a safer cleaner to help clean the infected area. 

I am now at Ma's home, and I hope my rash will go away and never return. I have had some success with a soapy detergent based carpet cleaner, a product design'da to clean carpets. 

After cleaning the areas infected by the poisonous plant, I used a costly steroid cream, a effective and expensive non-oily cream prescribed by a Medical Doctor. Similar lotions are available at the drug-store without a expensive prescription. For several months, I have slowly healed my skin with petroleum jelly, a inexpensive thick oily substance that is excellent at protecting the skin.

I have been advised to avoid poison ivy!


Send A Angel With Help!


Real Reflections by Minda Peyton

"I don't care what inexperienced people will tell others, because I K-N-O-W that the itch from the poison ivy plant can feel extreme, so extreme that a sane person will lose control and may claw at the infected area / rash with their finger nails.
Unfortunately, scratching can leave cuts and bad nail scratches. 
Fortunately, there is Calamine Lotion, a pink lotion that contains zinc, and is effective against those itchy, rash infected areas associated with poison ivy. There are a few other anti-itch, anti-fungal foot powders that I would also recommend, products that contain zinc. Most people who have contacted poison ivy recommend the pink lotion, Calamine Lotion!

2018 [Essay from my personal diary]
What I think will happen...and I am not a expert.
City workers will avoid extreme fields where poison ivy is growing out-of-control. The city workers may hope tu wait for snow, or a frost to kill the plant. People may plan tu return tu these areas of extreme poison ivy outbreak in spring, to pave areas covered in poison ivy with concrete. Am I extreme? I maybe. Is this effective? I'm unsure, yet I have seen pavement cover areas that were once extreme and had been clear'da.

What I Want: This city's workers to kill most of the uncontrol'da poison ivy seen growing around public walkways, bike lanes and sidewalks. Is this possible? I don't know. If it is not possible, then I hope churches in town will use their phone tree and remind people (around certain areas) tu avoid this plant, tu dress in a protective manner, and ask for rides. In extreme cases, churches may demand a FREE city bus day...yet waiting for the bus...?

A Lesson From A Lime

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A Lesson From A Lime

Real Reflections by Minda Peyton

Cleaning my rash. Three cleaners are the most effective against poison ivy: bleach, alcohol and vinegar. Neither of these 3 cleaners have oils in them. Bleach is a super effective cleaner, great for cleaning clothes and other objects around the house, yet I fear a chemical burn from too much bleach on the skin, meaning that bleach may be too strong for human flesh and isn't great at breaking up oils. Alcohol is a excellent and effective cleaner, great to clean cuts, yet I feel that alcohol is also prone tu leaving a burn after excess use / exposure to human skin. This was why I lean'da towards vinegar. Vinegar breaks up oils and seems the weakest out of all three cleaners because I rarely had a chemical burn after using a large amount (of vinegar) on my skin.

My rash needed cleaning, it had started itching, yet I was not prepare'da for a long and effective cleaning, so I tried a quick citrus lime fruit scrub. I was please'da with the results: the citrus acid also appear'da to break up the rash, and brighten my skin. The rough skin of the lime (outer layer) felt lai-ca a fruit exfoliate,  or lai-ca a organic pumice rock. I knew the lime was less acidic than the vinegar, and the weakest cleaner, yet I was not prepare'da for a full vinegar cleaning, follow'da by the steroid cream the doctor had prescribed'da. I felt please'da with the quick clean.

The next day I notice'da fruit flies. Fruit flies had been carried intu the house on the box of fruit Ma had brought in. Fruit flies lay their eggs on ripening fruits, so we are told tu always wash our fruit. The fruit flies kept landing on the lime. I noted several dead fruit flies in a cup of vinegar left on the sink. Fruit flies also lai-ca Apple Cider Vinegar. Earlier (about a day earlier) I had notice'da a rotten smell near my feet. Could a fruit fly have found its way through my sock lai-ca it found the lime? Could a fruit fly have found its way on my problematic rashy skin seeking lime pulp from the fruit scrub? I now lean towards cleaning my skin with alcohol!

Kill Poison Ivy With A Moldy Pumpkin?

Kill Poison Ivy With A Moldy Pumpkin?

Real Reflections by Minda Peyton

Ma once took care of her flowers, her mums, the rose bush, her tomato plants and a few geraniums.

I notice'da her complete neglect of the potted flowers by the front door. I mention'da tu her the need for her tu water her plants. Her rose bush had gone wild.

Later, I complain'da when she drug a moldy, diseased pumpkin tu rest in front of the house.

I complain'da... that pumpkin is sick. Why didn't you buy a plastic pumpkin, or a Jack-O-Lantern with LED lights for Fall?
She did not answer.

Later, I got a skin rash that I am still fighting. I believe my Ma notice'da poison ivy growing near her flowers. I believe she knew to avoid this plant, leaving her flowers to die, and the rose bush tu  grow wild. I know that Ma does not warn other people when they are in danger, I know because she said nothing tu my relative, who cuts the grass, when the hurricane blew branches with Poison Oak into our backyard.

I wonder, is she quiet because she doesn't lai-ca her family, or does she fear being blame'da?
I also wonder, was the moldy pumpkin her attempt tu fight the poison ivy?

The effects of the moldy pumpkin are obvious, there is now mold (a green mold) growing on the fense area by the rose bushes. There is mold around the front door and mold on the front of the house. I fear a mold out-break! When I saw what was occuring, I grabbed a spray bottle with vinegar and salt. I didn't have enough vinegar and salt tu spray the rose bush, front porch, and fence area, yet the mold I did reach died soon after I spray'da. Could poison ivy really be killed with a moldy pumpkin?

Dealing With A Mother Who Will Not Cooperate

Dealing With A Mother Who Will Not Cooperate

Real Reflections by Minda Peyton

Today is another example of life with a parent who will not co-operate. There was a storm brewing outdoors, and I needed cleaning supplies from the store, mainly bleach and vinegar.
I had ask'da Ma to drive me the previous night. When I saw her [the next day], I said Ma, can you take me tu the store, *Mart-Smart [name changed], because I need cleaning supplies lai-ca bleach.
She said "I can only take you to *Food-Smart..." a store I had problems at. I pointed out my ability tu pay for cleaning supplies from Mart-Smart because the price is not as costly. After a brief argument, we went tu *Mart-Green [name changed], a costly convenience store closer to home. If my Ma is ban'da from Mart-Smart, she hasn't told me, yet that would explain a lot. Arguments before the storm, that is so much lai-ca my experience with my mother.

For clear reasons I ask'da for help. For unclear reasons, she refuses to give me her help.

I needed bleach tu clean-up clothes still dirty and lingering from the last storm, a powerful tempestuous wind that blu with power and loud shrills for 2 days, then the rain which came down for another 2 days.

It was life out-of-balance, nature, for un-clear reasons, showing God lai-ca strength. I say this because often natural disasters are called "Acts Of God," un-lai-ca "mother nature," a gentel, supportive side of nature which is different from the strong, up-rooting, splitting, loud, thunderous, earth moving natural disasters call'da 'Acts of God.'

I would have finished up all the laundry my rash, and the storm cause'da, but for my parent who push'da me out of her way taking over the washing machine. I move'da, allowing her tu have her way, giving her full control. Several days later, I ask'da Ma "...can you take me tu the store because I need cleaning supplies." There was another storm brewing...

A Fungal Infection, Or Poison Ivy...?

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