Sunday, September 22, 2019

A Lesson From A Lime

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A Lesson From A Lime

Real Reflections by Minda Peyton

Cleaning my rash. Three cleaners are the most effective against poison ivy: bleach, alcohol and vinegar. Neither of these 3 cleaners have oils in them. Bleach is a super effective cleaner, great for cleaning clothes and other objects around the house, yet I fear a chemical burn from too much bleach on the skin, meaning that bleach may be too strong for human flesh and isn't great at breaking up oils. Alcohol is a excellent and effective cleaner, great to clean cuts, yet I feel that alcohol is also prone tu leaving a burn after excess use / exposure to human skin. This was why I lean'da towards vinegar. Vinegar breaks up oils and seems the weakest out of all three cleaners because I rarely had a chemical burn after using a large amount (of vinegar) on my skin.

My rash needed cleaning, it had started itching, yet I was not prepare'da for a long and effective cleaning, so I tried a quick citrus lime fruit scrub. I was please'da with the results: the citrus acid also appear'da to break up the rash, and brighten my skin. The rough skin of the lime (outer layer) felt lai-ca a fruit exfoliate,  or lai-ca a organic pumice rock. I knew the lime was less acidic than the vinegar, and the weakest cleaner, yet I was not prepare'da for a full vinegar cleaning, follow'da by the steroid cream the doctor had prescribed'da. I felt please'da with the quick clean.

The next day I notice'da fruit flies. Fruit flies had been carried intu the house on the box of fruit Ma had brought in. Fruit flies lay their eggs on ripening fruits, so we are told tu always wash our fruit. The fruit flies kept landing on the lime. I noted several dead fruit flies in a cup of vinegar left on the sink. Fruit flies also lai-ca Apple Cider Vinegar. Earlier (about a day earlier) I had notice'da a rotten smell near my feet. Could a fruit fly have found its way through my sock lai-ca it found the lime? Could a fruit fly have found its way on my problematic rashy skin seeking lime pulp from the fruit scrub? I now lean towards cleaning my skin with alcohol!

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