Sunday, September 22, 2019

Kill Poison Ivy With A Moldy Pumpkin?

Kill Poison Ivy With A Moldy Pumpkin?

Real Reflections by Minda Peyton

Ma once took care of her flowers, her mums, the rose bush, her tomato plants and a few geraniums.

I notice'da her complete neglect of the potted flowers by the front door. I mention'da tu her the need for her tu water her plants. Her rose bush had gone wild.

Later, I complain'da when she drug a moldy, diseased pumpkin tu rest in front of the house.

I complain'da... that pumpkin is sick. Why didn't you buy a plastic pumpkin, or a Jack-O-Lantern with LED lights for Fall?
She did not answer.

Later, I got a skin rash that I am still fighting. I believe my Ma notice'da poison ivy growing near her flowers. I believe she knew to avoid this plant, leaving her flowers to die, and the rose bush tu  grow wild. I know that Ma does not warn other people when they are in danger, I know because she said nothing tu my relative, who cuts the grass, when the hurricane blew branches with Poison Oak into our backyard.

I wonder, is she quiet because she doesn't lai-ca her family, or does she fear being blame'da?
I also wonder, was the moldy pumpkin her attempt tu fight the poison ivy?

The effects of the moldy pumpkin are obvious, there is now mold (a green mold) growing on the fense area by the rose bushes. There is mold around the front door and mold on the front of the house. I fear a mold out-break! When I saw what was occuring, I grabbed a spray bottle with vinegar and salt. I didn't have enough vinegar and salt tu spray the rose bush, front porch, and fence area, yet the mold I did reach died soon after I spray'da. Could poison ivy really be killed with a moldy pumpkin?

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A Fungal Infection, Or Poison Ivy...?

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